Thursday, March 5, 2009

One step closer to Paris...

as mentioned many posts ago, I took part at the L'Oréal Competition 'Brandstorm'. Now we've passed the first round, right into the National Finals where we're gonna have a briefing at L'Oréal. 12 teams have submitted their pre-cases. 5 passed, we're one of them. But at the national finals there can only be 1 winning group. This one will fly to Paris and compete with international teams. Soooo, if we're gonna win I'm sooo going to Goyard again and look for a white St. Louis tote haha. XD
Guess what I found today? A grey nail polish! In the MAC Helly Kitty collection, named 'On the Prowl'... gosh I've been wandering through Taiwan's department stores to find a grey NOT silver polish, and now I found it in Austria. Too funny. Lucky they got a second shipment though as almost all stuff was sold out yesterday. Pics are gonna follow...

1 comment:

  1. just started reading your your tutorials! i didn't know you are in Taiwan! I am from Taiwan too =) well I live in NYC but my parents are. haha
